Version 1.0.0 - May 24, 2024
Enhancement: Migrated to Qt6, which is now the default build option
Enhancement: Updated Scintilla to 5.5.0
Qt5 and NO_GUI remain additional build options
Qt4 and 32-bit Windows support removed
Version 0.27.0 - Jan 25, 2024
Enhancement: Compressed cscope.out (built without -c) supported experimentally
Enhancement: CodeQuery database file can be opened by CodeQuery GUI through command line argument
Version 0.26.0 - Dec 19, 2022
Bugfix: File path label with too large contents extending window beyond viewport GUI bug fixed
Enhancement: Default external editor configuration for MacOS added
Version 0.25.0 - Apr 17, 2022
Enhancement: Workaround for pycscope trailer start offset bug running on Python 3.8
Enhancement: Updated Scintilla to 3.21.1
Enhancement: Removed warnings for Qt 5.15
Enhancement: Windows installer now includes Qt 5.15.2 and sqlite 3.38.2 binaries
Enhancement: Moved from Travis CI to Github Actions (for Linux, MacOS and Windows builds)
Version 0.24.0 - Jan 17, 2021
Enhancement: Improved German translation for CodeQuery GUI, contributed by stweise
Version 0.23.0 - Apr 15, 2020
The CMake build directory is now moveable and renameable, which is useful for Debian source package creation
Version 0.22.0 - Apr 12, 2020
Enhancement: Added build option for no GUI
Enhancement: Updated Scintilla to 3.11.2
Enhancement: Performance improvement by using QString instead of STL String for search through GUI
Enhancement: Added ability to general call function and class inheritance graph through cqsearch CLI
Enhancement: Added ability to filter by path added to cqsearch CLI
Enhancement: Changing query type on the GUI dropbox will start a search immediately
Enhancement: Clicking on a line in the GUI file viewer, will now highlight the appropriate function in the function list
Enhancement: Now Qt5 becomes the default build option in CMakeLists.txt
Enhancement: Windows installer changed from InnoSetup to Wix Toolset, to generate MSI installer
Enhancement: Now Windows installer will be in two versions: Qt5, 64-bit or Qt4, 32-bit
Bugfix: Default font selection for GUI file viewer, instead of becoming empty
Bugfix: Improved annotation accuracy in GUI
Bugfix: Improved brace highlighting in GUI
Bugfix: Fixed the bug where function list next to GUI file viewer doesn’t work properly for grep
Version 0.21.1 - Sept 16, 2018
Fixed a build error due to new version of Qt5 (5.11)
Version 0.21.0 - Apr 30, 2017
Fixes in the ctags file parser
“List of files” button added to the GUI
Improved “full path for file” results list in GUI
Version 0.20.0 - Apr 9, 2017
Major bug fix for a performance issue in the GUI, wrt clearing of the search results list
Other minor bug fixes
Version 0.19.0 - Apr 2, 2017
Migrated from GPLv2 to MPLv2 because of incompatibility with Qt5’s license
Now officially supporting Qt5 for Linux and Mac, but Qt4 for Windows
Replaced QScintilla (by Riverbank Computing) with Scintilla (by Neil Hodgson), to avoid GPLv3
Unicode UTF-8 files now viewable on CodeQuery GUI
Source code preview text line length now unlimited in database
CodeQuery CLI now has feature to change the source code preview text line truncation length
Golang syntax highlighting added
Travis script now also builds with clang and Qt5 for Mac build testing
Fixed a build bug in CMake scripts for Arch Linux
Debian and tarball packages would now be separated into Qt5 and Qt4
Version 0.18.0 - Oct 9, 2016
Migrated from GPLv3 to GPLv2 because some companies ban GPLv3 software
List of functions in the file viewer area is a major new feature
Now the selection of one or two levels has been added for function call graphs
Replaced Dipperstein’s optlist with Sittler’s getopt replacement (MIT licensed), to avoid LGPLv3
Updated showgraph (now BSD licensed), with rebase from the git repo
Various bug fixes for the file viewer
Version 0.17.0 - Sept 25, 2016
Now Javascript is officially supported through starscope
The full file path option is added to the command-line version of the tool for vim support
HOWTO documentation updated for compatibility with Mac OS
CodeQuery now officially built using Qt5 for Mac OS, but still in Qt4 for Windows and Linux
Travis script updated to include Coverity scanning
Version 0.16.0 - May 2, 2015
Brace matching on the file viewer
Better handling for current line highlight
Annotation in file viewer to quickly and easily identify the selected item
Changed version to the semantic versioning scheme MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH
Qt4 (default) and Qt5 now supported by CMake build option
Version 0.15 - Aug 12, 2014
Added support for Mac OS
Allowed -q in cscope.out header
Added info to HOWTOs on how to exclude standard include paths
Version 0.14 - Mar 9, 2014
Fixed Java and Ruby syntax highlight bug
Fixed bug where database file combobox becomes too large due to very long filename
Version 0.13 - Mar 1, 2014
Grep feature added
Last search history stored persistently
Version 0.12 - Feb 23, 2014
QScintilla used for code editing widget
Imported a number of syntax highlight themes from Notepad++
Ruby and Go now officially supported through starscope
RPM packages will now be generated also
Version 0.11 - Dec 31, 2013
File path filter
New query type: Calls of this function
Search results traversing within same file
Improvements on graph’s initial size and zoom
Bug fix on external editor settings text
Version 0.10 - Aug 10, 2013
ctags file processing optimization
New GUI features: Header files only, Functions inside this file, new About box
New GUI features: Ability to change file viewer font and tab space width
Autocomplete made asynchronous and optimized
Version 0.09 - Apr 20, 2013
Fixed some cscope.out parser and SQL handling bugs
Added font resize buttons for file viewer
Version 0.08 - Apr 14, 2013
Fixed Windows app icon and taskbar bugs
Version 0.07 - Apr 13, 2013
Added ability to parse cscope.out generated by pycscope (for Python support)
Added syntax highlighting for Python and Java
File path can now be selected and copied in the GUI tool
Version 0.06 - Feb 27, 2013
Fixed syntax highlight bug, added user warning if CQ database is older than viewed source file,
removed the extra console window appearing alongside the GUI app in Windows
Version 0.05 - Feb 25, 2013
Fixed file path bug in Windows and initial version of cqsearch CLI tool
Version 0.04 - Feb 24, 2013
Initial version of visualization for function call graph and class inheritance is now working.
Version 0.03 - Feb 22, 2013
Added wildcard search * and ?. Added previous and next history browsing for search.
Version 0.02 - Feb 19, 2013
Fixed external editor file path recognition bug for Windows
(could not recognize spaces e.g. C:\Program Files).
Version 0.01 - Feb 18, 2013
Initial release